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The Webflow CMS API is a HTTP JSON API and allows you to programatically add, update, and delete items from the Webflow CMS, allowing you to connect external data sources to your Webflow sites.

You can access the API directly via HTTP, via the official JavaScript API client, or via any third-party integrations for your language of choice.

Data Models

HTTP Verbs

Our API attempts to use the most appropriate HTTP verb for each endpoint. We make use of the following verbs:

Route Param

Route params will be defined as part of the path for a given API endpoint. They will be highlighted in a separate color, and prefixed with a colon (:) for easy visibility.

For example:

Request Body

All other requests will have their parameters passed in as part of the JSON-formatted request body. POST, PUT and PATCH requests including JSON-formatted request bodies should ensure the Content-Type header is set to application/json.


In order to access the API, you will need to provide an access token to authenticate with the API server. That token will be required for all API requests. You can acquire that token in one of two ways.

Utilize OAuth to allow your application’s users to authorize your app to access their Webflow account and data.
Issue a personal API key that grants your application full access to your personal account.
Once you have acquired the API token, it may be provided preferably via an HTTP header or in a query string parameter.

Issue a personal API key that grants your application full access to your personal account.

Once you have acquired the API token, it may be provided preferably via an HTTP header or in a query string parameter.


The Webflow CMS API is a HTTP JSON API and allows you to programatically add, update, and delete items from the Webflow CMS, allowing you to connect external data sources to your Webflow sites.

You can access the API directly via HTTP, via the official JavaScript API client, or via any third-party integrations for your language of choice.

Data Models

Content in Webflow is built around three resources: Sites, Collections, and Items.

Sites map to Webflow websites. You can retrieve basic information about the sites a user is able to manage, but currently creating new sites or updating metadata about existing sites is restricted to the web interface and is not accessible via the API.

Collections are groupings of Items. All of the Items in a given Collection share the same set of custom fields, or schema. Defining Collections is restricted to the web interface, but the API allows you to query basic details about Collections and fetch paginated items from those Collections.

Items represent the individual pieces of content within a Collection. Items have a set schema of fields, determined by the Collection which they are a part of. The API allows for reading, creating, updating, and deleting content Items.

HTTP Verbs

Our API attempts to use the most appropriate HTTP verb for each endpoint. We make use of the following verbs:

Route Param

  1. Route params will be defined
  2. Route params will be defined
  3. Route params will be defined
  4. Route params will be defined
  5. Route params will be defined
  6. Route params will be defined

Route params will be defined as part of the path for a given API endpoint. They will be highlighted in a separate color, and prefixed with a colon (:) for easy visibility.

For example:

Request Body

All other requests will have their parameters passed in as part of the JSON-formatted request body. POST, PUT and PATCH requests including JSON-formatted request bodies should ensure the Content-Type header is set to application/json.


In order to access the API, you will need to provide an access token to authenticate with the API server. That token will be required for all API requests. You can acquire that token in one of two ways.

Utilize OAuth to allow your application’s users to authorize your app to access their Webflow account and data.
Issue a personal API key that grants your application full access to your personal account.
Once you have acquired the API token, it may be provided preferably via an HTTP header or in a query string parameter.

Issue a personal API key that grants your application full access to your personal account.

Once you have acquired the API token, it may be provided preferably via an HTTP header or in a query string parameter.

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